Friday, April 25, 2008

Evening at the Beach

Jamison had a great time going to the beach for the first time. He isn't quite walking yet, but he wouldn't let us hold him. He kept crawling deep into the water. He got to a point where the water came up to his chin.... then we had to step in :) We had a blast!!


Anonymous said...

Great pics. Looks like he had a blast. Was he trying to eat all of the sand? That's what Caitlyn did the first time that I took her.

Anonymous said...

Very good pictures. Maybe one of the Charles F.J. Bultman, III family members will be a
beach-goer after all. Or is that because Chris is really my son and I've always loved the beach? (Private joke for those who might misinterpret that comment since we think Chris favors his Aunt Louise. In fact, Vicky is sure he must be mine :))