Monday, July 2, 2007

Due Date Today!!.... Still no Jamison

Hey everyone! Many of you have been asking about little Jamison that is on the way. Unfortunately, he won't be keeping entering this world today (July 2nd). Perhaps the fireworks for us this year will be in the delivery room...who knows.

Thanks for everyone who have been praying for us. Christy has been doing great. She has been a little tired but she has been a trooper throughout the whole pregnancy.

Yes, we obviously haven't posted pictures but that's only because we've been terribly. Busy. If you want to receive a picture of Jamison the moment he is born, respond to this post or email me directly. I will be sending out an email within an hour of birth.

Thanks again and we'll talk to everyone soon!


Anonymous said...

I would like to receive pictures! Hopefully Jamison will decide to come soon. Caitlyn was the same way. :) He will come when he's ready

Anonymous said...

Hey, We are excited about Monday!! Aaron and I will be in town that weekend and Aaron is taking off Monday so he can be there too!
I will be the picture taker if you want?
At this point Christy, just enjoy the feeling of being pregnant! Because believe it or not you will miss the feeling =)

Anonymous said...

Of course Uncle Fred and I would like to receive a picture of Jamison, Mom and Dad as soon as possible after delivery. We are anxiously awaiting his birth!

Aunt Louise and Uncle Fred

Anonymous said...

Congrats Chris & Christy!

Mom let us know that ya'll had Jamison early this a.m. and that Christy and the baby are doing good. How exciting for you all. Look forward to seeing pictures of Jamison.

Love, Uncle CJ & Aunt Josie