Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas Pictures

Hey Everyone,

We had such a wonderful Christmas this year. It was so much more fun now that Jamison can really understand what is going on. I felt like a little kid. I just couldn't wait for the kids to open all of their gifts. They had so much fun and got so many wonderful toys and outfits... Thanks to those who got them something.

Jamison is 18 months now. The newest thing he does is walk to his bed, get on his knees and put his hands together when we ask him to go say his prayers. He talks up a storm and can say almost everything. He uses two and three word sentences too. He is also almost fully potty trained (his newest accomplishment). He is so sweet and full of drama. He sleeps in his toddler bed exclusively now and is becoming a big boy more and more everyday.

Victoria is almost 5 months old. She is the best baby in the world. She smiles ALL the time and hardly ever makes a peep. She has been such a wonderful addition to our family.

Here are some pictures from Christmas:

Boat light parade at Grandpa Bultman's house:

Christmas at Mom and Dad's House:

Jamison playing with the legos Grammy and Grandpa got him:

Christmas Eve with the Brookins at our house:

Christmas Day at our house with Mom, Dad and Ashley:

Victoria Cried when she was given her first dolly she liked it a few seconds later...

Christmas at Mom and Dad's with the Bultman's:

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