Sunday, December 30, 2007

Thanksgiving & Christmas

It's been a great two months for the three of us. Over both the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, we had a chance to visit the Manassa's in Bradenton, the Bultman's in Daytona, and Aaron, Amber & Jada's house in Orlando.

The biggest present I got for Christmas was finding out that we are now expecting our second little one next August. It was a big surprised and definitely made my Christmas the most memorable one I've ever had.

Here are some pictures from the Thanksgiving & Christmas Holidays.

Christy made this hat for Jamison...

Aunt Anne loves little Jamison...

Hold Jamison in the air and he'll be your friend for life...

The twins had fun hanging out ...

David and Jamison just chillin...

Oh mommy...

Aunt Susie loves to buy Jamison all kinds of toys and new clothes and (hint hint). J/K! Jamison loves pretending to fly with Aunt Susie (no, this isn't his flying pose)...

My MySpace peace sign...

Aunt Rachel loves Jamison... any little ones on the way?

Can I spend the night and play with cousin Jada?

Who me???

Sleepy boy...

Jolly little Jada...

An iHome?... What?

Mamma knows....

Oh Jamison... stop laughing and let me open my gift!...

Christy enjoying Christmas...

Jamison can't get enough of Gracy...

And that's it folks! Let me get back to my tummy time. I'll be here, hanging around until next time. Don't forget to post your comments... I love to read them.... ok, ok, I love when mommy and daddy read them to me. Cya!


Mark, Diana, Leighton and Paige said...

Congrats on baby #2! It was nice seeing you last weekend. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! You guys are expecting again! That's great! :) Congratulations...

Kyle Peterson said...

First you surprise all of us and have a 7/7/7 baby, now you're trying to have an 8/8/8 baby?! Haha jk, Liz and I just thought about that today and thought it would be funny. Congratulations again!