Saturday, August 23, 2008

Victoria's first week home...


Grandpa and Victoria Grace Bultman

Aunt Kat enjoying the quiet sleep of a beautiful baby :)

Look at her... awwww

Jamison loves kissing his little sister :)

All clean after our showers

Jamison & Victoria's first trip to Target together. Jamison got to sit in the big boy seat in the back.

Jamison being a ham

Victoria and Grammy (Victoria)

Jamison loves holding is new baby sister

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Victoria Grace Bultman is finally here


Hello All,

I'm pleased to announce Victoria Grace Bultman into the world as of Saturday, August 16th at 11:14 am. She is beautiful like her mom! Christy is doing well along with Victoria.

I will be posting pictures soon... Here are 2 in the meantime...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Jamison at One Year


Hey everyone,

Jamison is 13 months as of yesterday. He can do lots of new things now. His biggest accomplishments are walking and sleeping in his toddler bed. He also got a new tooth this week. That makes eight total. Four on the top and four on the bottom.

He is almost fully walking now. He still crawls, but walks most of the time. This makes my life so much easier. He's very heavy and lifting isn't easy when you are 39 weeks pregnant. I love that he can walk.

Jamison's first time sleeping in his toddler bed was on the 6th. He got out of bed twice for water. He was running a fever and needed a drink. Last night Jamison didn't get out of his toddler bed at all. He slept the whole night through. He woke up at 8:00am this morning. We are so excited.

Little Victoria is still warm and cozy in mommy's belly. We are so excited about her upcoming arrival. Come out Victoria we want to meet you in person!!! She is due in a little over a week, August 18. Ironically that happens to be the birthday of the woman we are naming her after... our beautiful and remarkable mother. We will post pictures of little Victoria when she is born.

Enjoy the pictures,
Chris, Christy, Jamison, & little Victoria

Jamison playing with his favorite toy.

Working with daddy.

Mommy at 38 1/2 weeks pregnant .

Sleeping in my "big boy bed."

Softball with Daddy.