Hey Everyone,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!!! Jamison is 21 months old now. His newest feats are singing (He knows three songs!!), using three and four word sentences and following several part instructions. He's getting close to being potty trained too!! His first four word sentence was to his sister, or as Jamison would say "Sis Sis." He told her "It's okay, don't cry!" He is such as sweet boy. He also knows all of his animals by sight and sound, 6 shapes, all of his body parts, numbers to 5 (although he doesn't do that one all the time) and he is now learning his colors. We've got a very smart boy on our hands.
Victoria, Vicky or Gracie (whomever she is to you), is 8 months old now. (In case you are wondering, Victoria's name means so much to so many people that every group of people we are around calls her something different, which is fine by us.) Her newest feats are crawling, waving hi and bye, and sitting on her own without flying backwards. She is the happiest and most content baby I have ever seen. She is always smiling. We hardly ever hear a peep out of her. She's such a sweet girl too. She loves giving kisses and LOVES to be cuddled! She also has two cute little bottom teeth.
Thanks for sharing in our children's lives!!
Chris, Christy, Jamison and Victoria (Vicky or Gracie)
Pretty Easter Poses...

Lunch at Golden Coral with Mom, Dad, Rachel, Scott and Ashley...

Daddy and his 'Lil'

Daddy's 'mini me' rubbing noses with Mommy.

Victoria and Ammy waving hi!!

Ammy spoiling Jamison with an Easter 'bucket.' Ammy is always spoiling Jamison. We have a saying, "What happens at Ammy's, stays at Ammy's!" ;) LOL
More Easter Poses...

The love of my life and I

Our family, okay so no one is looking - what can you do?! :) Haha